nathan olinger head shot

Nathan Olinger – Blacksmith

Name of Business: Olinger Timber and Ironworks

How would you describe your art?

Combination of wood and metal, for unique usable items.

Describe your creative process.

Get a good nights sleep. Get up early, coffee up, then get out in the shop and create!

What are you favorite materials/mediums to work with?

Walnut, iron, copper.

What makes your process different to other artists?

The tools, I’ve been lucky to acquire some very hard to find blacksmith tools. This in turn lets me make more tools to facilitate the creative process.

What’s your favorite quote and why?

“I do not price the word cheap. It is not a badge of honor. It is a symbol of despair. Cheap prices make for cheap goods, cheap goods make for cheap men, and cheap men make for a cheap country.” – William McKinley

Why – as then, it’s even more relevant in modern times.

Contact Information

[email protected]

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